Class[] cr:entities(root document)
Select all class elements with entity stereotype
Class[] cr:services(root document)
Select all class elements with service stereotype
Interface[] cr:interfaces(root document)
Select all interfaces
Enumeration[], Class[] cr:enumerations(root document)
Select all enumerations or class elements with enumeration stereotype
string[] cr:enumerationLiterals(EnumerationLiteral, Attribute node)
Select names of all members of an enumeration class
Class[] cr:classes(string stereotype, root document)
Select all class elements. If stereotype is supplied, only those marked by the stereotype are selected. Stereotype name is symbolic and several stereotype names may be defined in a mapping file, ex. 'entity', 'Entity' and 'UML Standard Profile::entity' mean the same thing and map to 'entity', so to get all entities, call cr:classes('entity', root(.)) while in your model entities may be marked as 'UML Standard Profile::entity'. If no stereotype is supplied (parameter stereotype is empty: ''), all classes are selected regardless of their stereotype. If stereotype parameter is 'void', only classes that have no stereotype are selected.
Association.connection[] cr:connections(root document)
Select all association connections between classes
Association.connection[] cr:entityConnections(root document)
Select all association connections between classes with entity stereotype
AssociationEnd[], ownedAttribute[] cr:ends(Class node, root document)
Select all navigable connection ends if either of them points to the current class
AssociationEnd[], ownedAttribute[] cr:importedEnds(Class node, root document)
Select navigable connection ends with multiplicity 1 if either of them points to the current class
AssociationEnd cr:end(Association.connection node, int index, root document)
Selects first or second (my or other) end in an association
Attribute[], ownedAttribute[] cr:attributes(Class node)
Select all non-static attributes (fields) of the current class
Attribute[], ownedAttribute[] cr:staticAttributes(Class node)
Select all static attributes (fields) of the current class
Operations[], ownedOperation[] cr:operations(Class node)
Select all operations (methods) of the current class
Parameter[], ownedParameter[] cr:parameters(Operation node, root document)
Select all non return parameters of a given operation
string cr:parametersSignature(Parameter[] parameters, root document)
Form method signature string from parameters
string cr:parametersArguments(Parameter[] parameters, root document)
Form method arguments string from parameters
string cr:returnType(Operation node, root document)
Get return type of a given operation, void if not specified
string cr:implements(Class node, root document)
Get a string listing all the interfaces the current class implements
string cr:extends(Class node, root document)
Get a string listing the class the current class extends
Class[], ownedMember[] cr:subclasses(Class node, root document)
Select all subclasses of the current class
int cr:multiUpper(AssociationEnd node)
Get upper boundary of the multiplicity of the connection end. Return 1 if not specified, -1 if set to *
int cr:multiLower(AssociationEnd node)
Get lower boundary of the multiplicity of the connection end. Return 1 if not specified, -1 if set to *
boolean cr:navigable(AssociationEnd node)
Get navigability property of the connection end
AssociationEnd, ownedAttribute, ownedEnd cr:otherEnd(AssociationEnd node, root document)
Get the other end of the current end's connection
string cr:nameUpper(any node)
Get uppercased name attribute of the current node
string cr:name(any node)
Get name attribute of the current node
string cr:visibility(any node)
Get visibility attribute of the current node. If none specified, return 'public'
string cr:abstract(any node)
Return 'abstract' string if the current node has abstract attribute set to 'true'
string cr:static(any node)
Return 'static' string if the current node's scope set to 'classifier' or marked isStatic.
string[] cr:classImports(string sub, stereotype, root document)
Get a list of 'import' strings listing unique packages of all classes, interfaces, enumerations and data types in the model
string cr:classPackage(string sub, Class node, root document)
Get full package name including model-wide base package and specific subpackage name, ex. if the current class is domain.people.User in the model, model base package is com.mycompany and technology specific subpackage name is ejb, then the full package name is com.mycompany.ejb.domain.people.User. If classes in packages java and javax are modelled explicitely, they are left as they are, no base package or subpackage are added, ex. if you have java::util::Calendar in the model, the resulting package will be java.util
string cr:package(Class node)
Get bare package name
string cr:fullClassName(string sub, Class node, root document)
Get fully qualified name of a class
string cr:lowerMulti(any node)
Get the lower multiplicity parameter. Return 0 if not specified
Class, ownedMember cr:endClass(AssociationEnd node, root document)
Get the class the current end points to
string cr:endClassName(AssociationEnd node, root document)
Get the name of the class the current end points to
string cr:endClassNameFull(AssociationEnd node, root document)
Get the fully qualified name of the $purePackage (default 'data') class the current end points to, including package, ex. if the end points to a class in the model domain.people.User, model base package is com.mycompany, then the result is
string cr:isFirstEnd(AssociationEnd node, root document)
Return 'true' if this assoiciation end is listed first in the pair, 'false' otherwise. Use to track ends in symmetrical assoiciations like many-to-many
string cr:endFieldName(AssociationEnd node, root document)
Build name of a field representing the current end, ex. if the end name in the model is employee and the class name of the end is User, then the field name is employeeUser. If the end carries no name, the class name is taken to be the field name, ex. if the end points to a class named User, the field name representing the association is user
string cr:dataType(Attribute node, root document)
Get the data type name of the current attribute. If a datatype contains package delimeter ::, it is translated into ., ex. if an attribute is of type java::io::File, it becomes Primitives are translated into classes: int (and java::lang::int too) becomes Integer etc. If type modifier like [] is present, it is appended
string cr:initialValue(Attribute node, root document)
Get the initial value of the current attribute
cr:sourceFileName(string sub, string name, string ext, Class node, root document)
string cr:fileNameJava(string sub, string name, Class node, root document)
Build a full java file path given a class in the model, ex. if the current node is class domain.people.User, filename is UserEditBean, model-wide project directory is c:/projects/mycompany, model-wide base package is com.mycompany, sub-package is fe, then the filename is c:/projects/mycompany/gen/com/mycompany/fe/domain/people/ Note that class is used only to determine package, the resulting filename is not the class name but passed as a parameter name
string cr:fileNameHbm(string sub, string name, Class node, root document)
Build a full file path for a Hibernate config file given a class in the model, ex. if the current node is class domain.people.User, filename is User, model-wide project directory is c:/projects/mycompany, model-wide base package is com.mycompany, sub-package is data, then the result is c:/projects/mycompany/gen/com/mycompany/data/domain/people/User.hbm.xml. Note that class is used only to determine package, the resulting filename is not the class name but passed as a parameter name
string cr:commonClassFileName(string sub, string name, root document)
Build a full file path given a common (utility) class that is not part of the model, ex. if the class name is Locator, model-wide project directory is c:/projects/mycompany, model-wide base package is com.mycompany, sub-package is ejb, then the filename is c:/projects/mycompany/gen/com/mycompany/ejb/
string cr:commonClassPackage(string sub, root document)
Build a full package given a common (utility) class that is not part of the model, ex. if the class name is Locator, base package is com.mycompany, sub-package is ejb, then the package is com.mycompany.ejb and the fully qualified name is com.mycompany.ejb.Locator
string cr:fileNameJsp(string name, Class node, root document)
Build a full jsp file path given namespace in the model, ex. if the current node is class domain.people.User, filename is UserEdit, model-wide project directory is c:/projects/mycompany, model-wide base package is com.mycompany, then the filename is c:/projects/mycompany/htdocs/domain/people/UserEdit.jsp. Note that class is used only to determine package, the resulting filename is not the class name but passed as a parameter name
string cr:fileNameRootJsp(string name, root document)
Build a full file path for a common (root) jsp page, ex. if the name is Login, model-wide project directory is c:/projects/mycompany, then the filename is c:/projects/mycompany/htdocs/Login.jsp
string cr:fileNameConfig(string name, root document)
Build a full path for a config file, ex. if the name is ejb-jar.xml, model-wide project directory is c:/projects/mycompany, then the filename is c:/projects/mycompany/config/ejb-jar.xml
string cr:listLink(Class node, root document)
Build a web link to a List jsp page given current node name, ex. if the model name is mycompany (becomes web app name), class name in the model is domain.people.User then the result is '/mycompany/domain/people/UserList.jsp
string cr:modelName(root document)
Get name attribute of the model, normalized: spaces, dots and commas are removed
string cr:basePackage(root document)
Get base package where all generated packages are placed, ex. if you have a base package named 'com.mycompany' and classes Address, people.User, then resulting classes will be, com.mycompany.ejb.Address, The base package is usually supplied as a parameter $basePackage. If it's empty, the model's name is taken: in the above example if the model name is 'mycompany' then the classes are, etc. If you`d like the generated files to retain the exact package on the model, set basePackage parameter to 'void'. In this case if your class is people.User in the model, it will be generated as class people.User in gen/people/
string cr:projectName(root document)
Get project name to be used as web app name for example. Usually project name is supplied as a parameter projectName, if it's empty, the model's name is taken
string cr:modelValue(string name, root document)
Get value of a model-wide tagged parameter
string cr:taggedValue(string name, any node, root document)
Get value of a given tag
string cr:upper(string name)
Make the first character of the string uppercase
string cr:lower(string name)
Make the first character of the string lowercase
boolean cr:inStrings(string in, string[] list)
Returns true if a given string exists in a given collection of space delimited strings
string cr:map(string file, string from)
Translates a string from a named mapping file
StateMachine[], ownedBehavior[] cr:allStateMachines(root document)
Select all state machines
StateMachine[], ownedBehavior[] cr:stateMachines(Class node)
Select state machines of the given class
State[], subvertex[] cr:simpleStates(StateMachine node)
Select all simple states for the current state machine
Pseudostate[] cr:initialStates(StateMachine node)
Select all initial states for the current state machine
FinalState[] cr:finalStates(StateMachine node)
Select all final states for the current state machine
Pseudostate[] cr:choiceStates(StateMachine node)
Select all choice states for the current state machine
ObjectFlowState[] cr:objectFlowStates(StateMachine node)
Select all object flow states for the current state machine
Transition[], transition[] cr:transitions(StateMachine node)
Select all transitions for the current state machine
Transition[], transition[] cr:stateTransitions(StateMachine node, root document)
Select transitions that originate on simple state
CallTrigger, ownedMember cr:trigger(Transition node, root document)
Select a trigger of the current transition
Operation, ownedOperation cr:triggerOperation(CallTrigger node, root document)
Select an operation of the current call trigger
Guard cr:guard(Transition node)
Select a guard of the current transition
string cr:guardBody(Transition node)
Get body of the current transition's guard. Return 'success' if not specified
CallAction cr:effect(Transition node)
Select an effect of the current transition
State, Pseudostate, FinalState, subvertex cr:transitionSource(Transition node, root document)
Select source simple, initial or final state of the current transition
State, Pseudostate, FinalState, subvertex cr:transitionTarget(Transition node, root document)
Select target simple, initial or final state of the current transition
boolean cr:isTransitionTargetChoice(Transition node, root document)
Check if the target of the current transition is choice state
Transition[], transition[] cr:outgoingTransitions(SimpleState, ObjectFlowState, Pseudostate, FinalState node, root document)
Select outgoing transitions of the current state
Transition[], transition[] cr:incomingTransitions(SimpleState, ObjectFlowState, Pseudostate, FinalState node, root document)
Select incoming transitions of the current state
Transition[], transition[] cr:nextTransitions(SimpleState, ObjectFlowState, Pseudostate, FinalState node, root document)
Select outgoing transitions of the current transition's target
Class, UseCase, ownedMember cr:stateMachineContext(any node, root document)
Select context class or use case of a state machine